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Do Goshawks Consider Landscape Factors When Selecting Nest Areas Within Territories?

ABSTRACT (summarized)

The document describes a study conducted in west-central British Columbia, focusing on the habitat composition and pattern within goshawk territories. The study analyzed two meso-territory scales (177 ha and 400 ha) within 78 goshawk territories. The results showed significant differences in habitat composition and fragmentation metrics between core territory plots centered on nest areas and random within-territory plots at both scales. Core territory plots contained a higher proportion of mature forest and were less fragmented. The study emphasizes the importance of considering meso-territory scale factors in habitat selection studies and suggests strategies to maintain mature forest and limit fragmentation in goshawk territories.

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Author(s) T. Mahon
Funding Agency/Agencies
Affiliated Institution(s) Bulkley Valley Research Centre
Publication Year 2009