Babine River Watershed Recreation Opportunity Spectrum Analysis
INTRODUCTION Recreation opportunity spectrum mapping is a method of mapping the landscape based on the type of recreational experiences that might be obtained by visitors to an... -
Predictive Ecosystem Map of the Yukon North Slope
INTRODUCTION A Predictive Ecosystem Mapping (PEM) project is being contemplated for the North Slope of Yukon (east of the Babbage River). The North Slope study area covers 8,400... -
Ecosystems of Central and North Coast and South Central Coast BC
PROJECT OVERVIEW (summarized) The Ecosystems of Central and North Coast and South Central Coast (CNCSCC) BC Sub-Regional Guide project was initiated to improve ecosystem mapping... -
The Importance, Traditional Use and Locations of Various Berry Species within...
INTRODUCTION Berries continue to be an integral part of Gitxsan culture. Most types of berries are flavourful and provide various dietary nutrients not otherwise readily... -
Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping of the Coastal Douglas-Fir Biogeoclimatic Zone
Executive Summary (summarized) This report presents the results of Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) of the Coastal Douglas-fir moist maritime (CDFmm) biogeoclimatic subzone... -
Effect of Site Type on Competitive Interactions Among Trees in Complex-Struct...
PROJECT HISTORY, PURPOSE, METHODOLOGY AND SCOPE (summarized) This executive summary is part of a two year project, which started in April 2006 and runs till March 2008. This... -
Timber Harvesting Practices and Mountain Goat Habitat in the Babine Watershed
INTRODUCTION Mountain goats have been identified as a monitoring priority for the Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust (BWMT) for the last two years. In 2007, the BWMT initiated a...