Restoration of Endangered Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Wetzin'Kwa...
The purpose of this project is to conserve the endangered whitebark pine ecosystems within and near the Wetzin'Kwa Community Forest by planting nursery-grown seedlings that are... -
Forest response to cumulative disturbance and stress: Two decades of change i...
ABSTRACT Forests dominated by the endangered tree species whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) are threatened by multiple stresses (fire suppression, climate change) and... -
Restoring Whitebark Pine Ecosystems to Enhance Subalpine Bear Habitat
This is a five-year project aimed at restoring endangered whitebark pine ecosystems in the southern Skeena Region. Whitebark pine is an important wildlife tree that provides... -
Whitebark Pine Management at the Blackwater Mine
This report expresses concern about industrial development in whitebark pine habitats due to the potential harm caused by white pine blister rust and mountain pine beetles.... -
Nutcrackers and Whitebark Cone Production in Northwestern B.C.
In 2011 a pilot study was done through the Bulkley Valley Research Centre in Smithers, B.C. in order to (1) document Clark's Nutcracker use of white-bark pine communities at the...