Evaluation of Stand Dynamics After a 25-30 Year Old MPB Attack in the Flathea...
ABSTRACT A retrospective study was undertaken in an old Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) attacked forest to gain insight in stand dynamics post-beetle attack. Extent of mortality,... -
Range of Natural Variation in Structural Attributes of Young Stands: Refining...
ABSTRACT Most natural disturbances leave structural legacies that are used by a variety of organisms as forest regrows. Forest management prescribes retention of “wildlife tree... -
Complex Stands Research and Management Conference
INTRODUCTION (summarized) The Bulkley Valley Research Centre hosted a dynamic conference in February of 2007, attracting some of the province’s top forestry professionals as... -
Effect of Site Type on Competitive Interactions Among Trees in Complex-Struct...
PROJECT HISTORY, PURPOSE, METHODOLOGY AND SCOPE (summarized) This executive summary is part of a two year project, which started in April 2006 and runs till March 2008. This... -
Regeneration and Stand Structure Following Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation i...
PROJECT PURPOSE AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS (summarized) The Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) epidemic has shifted from controlling the outbreak to mitigating its impact on... -
Predicted Impacts of Hard Pine Stem Rusts on Lodgepole Pine Dominated Stands ...
ABSTRACT In 1997, 30 one-ha stem mapped plots were located in randomly selected juvenile lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex Loud.) leading stands aged 15-20 years. The... -
Implications of Alternate Silvicultural Strategies in Mountain Pine Beetle Da...
ABSTRACT In this project, we incorporated a robust snag dynamics submodel into SORTIE-ND, a version of the spatially explicit, individual tree model SORTIE (Pacala et al. 1996;... -
NSERC Industrial R&D Fellowship
This report's purpose is to address the significant mountain pine beetle epidemic in British Columbia's lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm.) forests and it... -
Evaluation of the Complex Stand Simulation Model SORTIE-ND for Timber Supply ...
ABSTRACT A sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate general model dynamics and model predictions were compared to independent datasets from forests of northwestern BC....