Predicted Impacts of Hard Pine Stem Rusts on Lodgepole Pine Dominated Stands ...
ABSTRACT In 1997, 30 one-ha stem mapped plots were located in randomly selected juvenile lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex Loud.) leading stands aged 15-20 years. The... -
Implications of Alternate Silvicultural Strategies in Mountain Pine Beetle Da...
ABSTRACT In this project, we incorporated a robust snag dynamics submodel into SORTIE-ND, a version of the spatially explicit, individual tree model SORTIE (Pacala et al. 1996;... -
Change of Allometry Between Coarse Root and Shoot of Lodgepole Pine (Pinus co...
ABSTRACT This transect study in 41-178 year-old stands of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta DOUGL. ex. LOUD.) in the southern boreal forest of British Columbia, Canada, analyses... -
Making Monitoring Manageable: A Framework to Guide Learning
ABSTRACT Resource managers, planners, and the public are unified in their calls for monitoring of land-use plans. Unfortunately, many monitoring initiatives fall short of their... -
Do Goshawks Consider Landscape Factors When Selecting Nest Areas Within Terri...
ABSTRACT (summarized) The document describes a study conducted in west-central British Columbia, focusing on the habitat composition and pattern within goshawk territories. The... -
Towards a Rigorous Methodology for Verification and Accuracy Assessment of Qu...
ABSTRACT Guidelines for qualitative habitat models, such as habitat suitability index models, emphasize the importance of verification and validation exercises as part of the... -
Growth and Release of Understory Spruce in Partially-Cut Pine Stands
This report addresses the management practices and challenges related to sub-boreal forests in British Columbia. It discusses the historical dominance of clearcutting followed... -
Northern Goshawks in West-Central British Columbia
ABSTRACT Inventory and research of Northern Goshawks has been ongoing in west-central British Columbia (BC) since 1996. Although limited nest area monitoring was conducted in... -
Impacts on Biodiversity - Technical Workshop
This technical workshop was held in Smithers in 2010 as part of the Nadina Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. -
Climate Change and Community Adaptation Workshop
This climate change workshop was held at the Northwest Community College in 2011. -
Effects of Grassland Restoration Treatments on Ungulate Use of Northwest BC G...
INTRODUCTION Dry, south-facing slopes in the SBSdk zone of the Bulkley Valley and Lakes District of Northwest BC provide critical habitat for a wide variety of wildlife and are... -
Timber Harvesting Practices and Mountain Goat Habitat in the Babine Watershed
INTRODUCTION Mountain goats have been identified as a monitoring priority for the Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust (BWMT) for the last two years. In 2007, the BWMT initiated a... -
Competition and Tree Crowns: A Neighborhood Analysis of Three Boreal Tree Spe...
ABSTRACT Competition for canopy space is a fundamental structuring feature of forest ecosystems and remains an enduring focus of research attention. We used a spatial... -
Timber Growth and Value Conference
INTRODUCTION The Timber Growth and Value Program is one of three programs funded by British Columbia’s Forest Investment Account, Forest Science Program (FIA-FSP) to promote... -
Developing Indicators of Soil Productivity, Function and Biodiversity through...
ABSTRACT Potential indicator species for forest management were explored in a series of studies of old-growth boreal stands encompassing a range of inherent site productivity.... -
Guidelines for Computing Summary Statistics for Data-Sets Containing Non-Detects
INTRODUCTION As part of its responsibilities, the BC Ministry of Environment monitors water quality in the province’s streams, rivers, and lakes. Often, it is necessary to... -
Development of a Spatially Explicit Crown Model
ABSTRACT Recent changes in forest management goals have led to a diversification of silvicultural practices to maintain complex, mixed-species stands. Managing such stands... -
Removing Multi-Scale Barriers to Climate-Change Adaptation in Managed Forests...
This report, written in 2012, discusses the need for forest managers to prepare for adapting to a changing forest environment due to anthropogenic climate change. It highlights... -
Impacts on Hydrology - Technical Workshop
This technical workshop 3 was held in Smithers in 2010 as a part of the Nadina Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. -
Variable Retention in a Sub-Boreal Landscape: Is It Worth the Hassle?
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT Stand-level studies have shown partial cutting (typically 30–70% canopy retention) maintains habitat for many species using mature forest. We used...