The Timber Growth and Value Program is one of three programs funded by British
Columbia’s Forest Investment Account, Forest Science Program (FIA-FSP) to promote
sustainable forest management policies and practices in British Columbia. The Timber
Growth and Value Program represents a 10-year strategy (2006-2016) that seeks to
improve timber growth and value in British Columbia. The program focuses on research
addressing key knowledge gaps identified as priorities by the FIA-FSP Forest Science
Board. To address this, the Bulkley Valley Research Centre organized and hosted the
Timber Growth and Value Conference in February 2008. The research topics presented at
the Timber Growth and Value Conference were structured around eight themes identified
by the FIA-FSP Timber Growth and Value Program. Although not all projects presented at
the conference were associated with FIA-FSP, it was apparent that a number of different
agencies and researchers have common interests in continuing to improve sustainable
forest management and delivering new information to practitioners, managers, and policy
makers. Ultimately, continued interest in these areas and opportunities to share research
will generate new management solutions more effectively. The objectives of the conference
were to introduce the research and management communities to the state of knowledge
regarding timber growth and value, identify operational applications of this knowledge, and
provide an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and managers to meet and synthesize
current research.
A number of important strategic goals of the FIA-FSP were outlined at the conference.
These included strong continued support for research promoting sustainability and
improving timber growth and value, guidance in the development of a provincial forest
extension program, the development of efficient and effective processes for determining
annual priorities, and the encouragement of stable funding. A major emerging challenge of
maintaining multi-year project commitments with insufficient funds was addressed at
length, suggesting less allocation of funding for current calls for new proposals. The
development of the First Nations Forestry Council was identified as a significant step
forward in addressing First Nations research priorities and involvement. Active collaboration
in the form of partnerships with FIA-FSP was also highlighted as a key to effective
incorporation of priorities and funds.