Ecosystem Restoration and Invasive Species Control at Toodienia/Hubert Hill 2...
ABSTRACT DESCRIPTION The report focuses on the Toodienia/Hubert Hill conservation area near Telkwa, BC, known for its unique Rocky Mountain Juniper – Saskatoon – Slender... -
Restoration of Endangered Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Wetzin'Kwa...
The purpose of this project is to conserve the endangered whitebark pine ecosystems within and near the Wetzin'Kwa Community Forest by planting nursery-grown seedlings that are... -
Prescribed Burning of Logging Slash for Ecological Restoration of Edible Berr...
The project involved pre-burn monitoring of fuels, grizzly bear forage and berries on a proposed slashburn at CP633-1 near Mt. Horetzky in the Nilkitkwa Valley north of Babine... -
Restoring Whitebark Pine Ecosystems to Enhance Subalpine Bear Habitat
This is a five-year project aimed at restoring endangered whitebark pine ecosystems in the southern Skeena Region. Whitebark pine is an important wildlife tree that provides...