Review of the Hydrology, Geomorphology, Ecology and Management of the Skeena River Floodplain

The report describes the characteristics of the Skeena River floodplain in northwest British Columbia. The floodplain undergoes constant geomorphic changes, influenced primarily by flooding. The hydrology is driven by spring/early summer peak discharge due to snowmelt. The floodplain ecosystems are classified into three types based on flooding dynamics and vegetation. The high bench Sitka spruce - Salmonberry ecosystem is Red-listed, while the middle bench Cottonwood - Red-osier dogwood ecosystem is Blue-listed. Forest harvesting has resulted in secondary stands dominated by deciduous trees. Current forest management practices focus on deciduous species and retaining conifer regeneration for coarse woody debris and stand structure, which are important for biodiversity and regeneration dynamics in the floodplain ecosystems.

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Author(s) A. de Groot
Funding Agency/Agencies
Affiliated Institution(s) Bulkley Valley Research Centre, Drosera Ecological Consulting
Publication Year 2005